&0 &T,66,52,581,82,0,18,c Table of Contents &T,163,109,412,286,2,15,l About the Orbits About the Star Mart About the Code Satellites Playing the Sundrop Game Playing in the Measure Mill Playing in the Shape Station Playing in the Day Dock &T,411,109,460,286,0,15,r Page 1 4 7 10 13 15 18 &1 &T,66,52,589,87,0,18,c About the Orbits &T,92,87,549,386,1,15,l ]Treasure Galaxy! has three different orbits that you can explore. You can scoot through the orbits on your scooter by pointing Twinkle, your mouse cursor, where you want to go. If you want to move faster, turn on the Zoom Way and move down to it at the bottom of the screen. As you scoot around, beware of disasteroids! If a disasteroid hits you, you will lose some star bucks. Avoid the disasteroids by moving your scooter or catching them with your sunbeams. You can also catch sundrops with your sunbeams and earn star bucks or the secret code by answering their riddles correctly. &2 &T,66,52,589,87,0,18,c About the Orbits &T,92,87,549,386,1,15,l You'll need to collect all four digits of the combination to move from one orbit to the next. You can earn digits in the spaceports or buy them at the Star Mart. When you are near the Star Mart, a code satellite, a spaceport, or a transport pad, lights will flash telling you that you are in range to go inside. Be sure to go into all of the code satellites and solve the code words to uncover the hidden crystals. There is one crystal hidden in each satellite. After you scoot your way through all three orbits, you'll reach the Crystal Palace, where your crystals are added to the Crystal Chest and Queen Astral gives you a prize. When the chest is full, the disasteroids become harmless asteroids and you will be the Champion Super Seeker! &3 &T,92,87,368,378,1,15,l [To: Move around on your scooter Enter a spaceport, a code satellite, a transport pad, or the Star Mart Turn the Zoom Way on or off [To: Move around on your scooter Enter a spaceport, a code satellite, a transport pad, or the Star Mart Use a sunbeam &T,369,87,547,377,1,15,l [Click: the mouse button on the lighted area on the Zoom button [Press: the arrow keys the return key the spacebar &T,66,74,588,93,0,18,c Using the Mouse & Keyboard &T,66,52,589,87,0,18,c About the Orbits &4 &T,66,52,589,87,0,18,c About the Star Mart &T,92,87,548,385,1,15,l On each of the three orbits you'll find a Star Mart. Use your star bucks to buy sunbeams and digits here. You can buy one sunbeam at a time or a set of three for a special price. Choose which one of the three items you want to buy. Then move your star buck pieces from their piles to fill in all of the gray parts of the pay circles. As you move your star buck pieces around the pay circles, they will turn in order to fill in all parts of the circle. If you need to trade one of your star buck pieces for smaller pieces, move the piece you want to trade onto the pile with the size pieces you want. &5 &T,66,52,589,87,0,18,c About the Star Mart &T,92,87,545,370,1,15,l You can trade: 1 whole for 2 halves, 4 fourths, or 8 eighths 1 half for 2 fourths or 4 eighths 1 fourth for 2 eighths You cannot trade smaller star bucks for larger ones (for example, two halves for one whole). When you are done, choose A.C.E. to pay for the item. &6 &T,92,87,337,366,1,15,l [To: Pick up a star buck Place a star buck piece Trade a star buck for smaller pieces Pay for an item See a demonstration Return to orbit &T,342,87,540,368,1,15,l [Click on: the star buck piece the gray pay circles the smaller star buck pile A.C.E., the computer the Show Me button the Exit sign &T,66,52,590,75,0,18,c About the Star Mart &T,66,73,591,95,0,18,c Using the Mouse &7 &T,66,52,589,87,0,18,c About the Code Satellites &T,92,87,549,385,1,15,l The Master of Mischief has hidden one of Queen Astral's crystals in each of the code satellites. Before you enter a code satellite, catch a cool sundrop and answer the riddle correctly. You will be given the code numbers for all of the satellites in that orbit. Then enter a code satellite and use your codekeeper to solve the code word. Find the letters in your codekeeper that match the numbers in the code word. Move these letters to the lines above the numbers they match in the code word. At first, the cool sundrop will give you all of the code numbers for your codekeeper. But as you play, some of the code numbers will be left out. &8 &T,66,52,589,87,0,18,c About the Code Satellites &T,91,87,548,384,1,15,l If you want, you can fill in any missing numbers in your codekeeper by choosing an empty square and then using the number-key pad to enter the correct number. Choose OK when you are done. If you make a mistake, choose Erase and then enter the number again. Each time you solve a code word and find a crystal it will cost you some star bucks from your star bucks card. Once you find the hidden crystal in a code satellite, that satellite will turn gray and its lights will not flash when you are near it. Go to all of the code satellites that flash when you are near them! You'll know how many crystals are on each orbit by how many crystal outlines there are above the crystal counter. The number in the crystal counter tells you the total number of crystals you have found so far since your last trip to the palace. &9 &T,66,52,589,74,0,18,c About the Code Satellites &T,92,87,341,379,1,15,l [To: Select a letter Place a letter Fill in a missing number Type a number Enter a number Erase a number you entered See a demonstration Return to orbit &T,342,87,520,373,1,15,l [Click on: the letter a space above a line in the code word an empty square the number-key pad the OK button the Erase button the Show Me button the Exit sign &T,66,73,589,94,0,18,c Using the Mouse &10 &T,66,52,589,87,0,18,c Playing the Sundrop Game &T,91,87,543,381,1,15,l Crystal City's sundrops need energy from the sun to stay happy. Use your sunbeams to catch the sundrops and energize them. Each time you catch a sundrop, you can earn star bucks by answering a riddle. When you catch the cool sundrop you can also earn the secret code. The sundrops will show you two problems to use as examples in order to solve the third. You need to figure out what was done to the stamps on the left to get the stamps on the right. &11 &T,66,52,589,87,0,18,c Playing the Sundrop Game &T,87,87,553,419,1,15,l Then, look at the stamps in the yellow box on the left and make these stamps change the same way. Stamp your answer in the empty box on the right. When you are done, choose the sundrop to check your answer. Note: At first, you will only be given one stamp of one object. But as you play, you will be given another stamp with the number 10 on it. This stamp represents ten objects. &12 &T,66,52,588,73,0,18,c Playing the Sundrop Game &T,93,87,368,369,1,15,l [To: Select a stamp Place a stamp Check your answer See a demonstration Return to orbit &T,342,87,520,364,1,15,l [Click on: the stamp the empty box the sundrop the Show Me button the Exit sign &T,66,73,591,95,0,18,c Using the Mouse &13 &T,66,52,589,87,0,18,c Playing in the Measure Mill &T,92,87,547,386,1,15,l On the first orbit you'll find the Measure Mill where the disasteroids have shattered the measuring devices. Help Newton measure objects to find the ones he needs. You will be shown three or four objects. Find the object that has the same length or weight as the clue given. To measure an object, move it to the ruler or scale to figure out how long it is or how much it weighs. Once you find the right one, choose Newton to check your answer. Each time you find the correct object, Newton gives you a digit, which appears at the bottom of the screen. Once you've collected four digits, you can travel to the next orbit. For each additional correct object you find, you earn some star bucks. &14 &T,67,52,589,73,0,18,c Playing in the Measure Mill &T,92,85,342,358,1,15,l [To: Pick up an object Measure an object Check your answer See a demonstration Return to orbit &T,342,85,541,359,1,15,l [Click on: the object the ruler or scale Newton, the character the Show Me button the Exit sign &T,66,73,591,95,0,18,c Using the Mouse &15 &T,66,52,589,87,0,18,c Playing in the Shape Station &T,92,87,550,419,1,15,l On the second orbit, the disasteroids turned Crystal City's Shape Station topsy turvy. Help put the objects back together by fitting all of the pieces into the puzzle. Move the pieces from the right side of the screen into the white puzzle area. Once you place a piece inside the puzzle, you can use the arrow keys beneath it to slide the piece over as needed. As you advance, you may need to rotate some of the pieces by using the spacebar. If you are having trouble completely filling in the puzzle, choose Zigzag and he will help you out. When you are done, choose Zigzag to check your work. &16 &T,66,52,589,87,0,18,c Playing in the Shape Station &T,92,87,550,419,1,15,l Each time you fit all of the pieces into the puzzle without any extra space, Zigzag gives you a digit, which appears at the bottom of the screen. Once you've collected four digits, you can travel to the next orbit. For each additional puzzle you fill in correctly, you earn some star bucks. &17 &T,66,52,589,77,0,18,c Playing in the Shape Station &T,92,87,368,366,1,15,l [To: Pick up a piece Place a piece Move a piece over Check your work See a demonstration Return to orbit [To: Rotate a piece &T,342,87,540,362,1,15,l [Click on: the piece the white puzzle area the arrows Zigzag, the character the Show Me button the Exit sign [Press: the spacebar &T,66,73,591,95,0,18,c Using the Mouse & Keyboard &18 &T,66,52,589,87,0,18,c Playing in the Day Dock &T,92,87,548,383,1,15,l On the third orbit, the disasteroids mixed up the schedule of royal holidays. Help Memo find the correct dates. Look at the clue at the top of the calendar to learn what date you have to find. Then move Fuzzy to that date. When there are arrows to the right of the calendar, you can use them to move backward or forward one week at a time. Choose Memo to check your answer when you are done. Each time you find the correct date, Memo gives you a digit, which appears at the bottom of the screen. Once you've collected four digits, you can travel to the Crystal Palace. For each additional correct date you find, you earn some star bucks. &19 &T,66,52,589,76,0,18,c Playing in the Day Dock &T,92,87,367,363,1,15,l [To: Move Fuzzy Move back one week Move ahead one week Check your answer See a demonstration Return to orbit &T,342,87,540,358,1,15,l [Click on: a date the up arrow the down arrow Memo, the character the Show Me button the Exit sign &T,66,73,589,95,0,18,c Using the Mouse &